This is right up my alley. Goes good with the enochian magic system I'm using I Avalon.

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deletedAug 22
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I tried some custom mechanics but in the end just added new magic user spells and re-skinned other OD&D spells and magic items to fit the flavor.

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Yes. A lot of the astral magic effects in this and the previous posts can be squeezed into existing magic systems, meaning that it’s the description of how the power is worked that makes it interesting, rather than the mechanics as such.

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I’m glad you found it useful. I fret that I should at least make the attempt to offer some actual mechanics for these posts, but I’m not really a mechanics guy and, on balance, these posts seem more useful as flavour and inspiration because they allow GMs to apply any rules that suit the feel and tone of their games, which is at least as important to me as whatever the rules’ set happens to be.

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